Eduardo Fernández Segura

Eduardo Fernández Segura

Profesor Titular de Universidad

Facultad de Medicina
Avenida Doctor Jesús Candel Fábregas nº 11 18071 Granada
958241000 ext. 20455


Bachelor's Degree in Medicine

Cytology, Inheritance and Human Development
Medical Histology of Bodily Apparatus and Systems

Master's Degree in Translational Research and Personalised Medicine

Module 2: in Vivo Experimental Models of Disease - Advanced Methodologies Applied to Animal Model Analysis

Master's Degree in Translational Research and Personalised Medicine

Module 2: in Vivo Experimental Models of Disease - Advanced Methodologies Applied to Animal Model Analysis

Master's Degree in Basic and Applied Neuroscience and Pain

Module II. Introduction to Neurosciences - Research Techniques in Neuroscience Laboratories
Module II. Introduction to Neurosciences - Development of the Nervous System: Genetic and Epigenetic Determinants

Master's Degree in Tissue Engineering and Advanced Therapies

Modulo II: Módulo Conceptual Básico de Ingeniería Tisular - Bases Embriológicas e Histológicas en Ingeniería Tisular
Módulo I: Bases Metodológicas en Ingeniería Tisular - Control de Calidad en Ingeniería Tisular