The cell and molecular basis of mechanical, cold, and inflammatory pain.
Autores: Abrahamsen B, Zhao J, Asante CO, Cendan CM, Marsh S, Martinez-Barbera JP, Nassar MA, Dickenson AH, Wood JN.
Referencia: Science. 2008 Aug 1;321(5889):702-5.
PMID: PMID: 18669863
Changes in plasma susceptibility to lipid peroxidation and vitamin C in preterm and full-term neonates
Autores: Agil A, Fraile R, Acuña-Castroviejo D.
Referencia: Arch Med Sci 4, 3: 324-328, 2008
Changes in emotional response to visual stimuli with sexual content in drug abusers
Autores: Aguilar de Arcos F, Verdejo Garcia A, Lopez Jimenez A, Montañez Pareja M, Gomez Juarez E, Arraez Sanchez F, Perez Garcia M.
Referencia: Adicciones. 2008;20(2):117-24.
Emotional response to affective stimuli in subjects addicted to opiates engaged in controlled use as part of the P.E.P.S.A
Autores: Aguilar de Arcos F, Verdejo García A, López Jiménez A, Montañez Pareja M, Gómez Juárez E, Arráez Sánchez F, Pérez García M.
Referencia: Adicciones. 2008;20(1):27-35
Dysregulation of emotional response in current and abstinent heroin users: negative heightening and positive blunting.
Autores: Aguilar de Arcos F, Verdejo-García A, Ceverino A, Montañez-Pareja M, López-Juárez E, Sánchez-Barrera M, López-Jiménez A, Pérez-García M; PEPSA team.
Referencia: Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2008 Jun;198(2):159-66.
Forensic neuropsychology at the challenge of the relationship between cognition and emotion in psychopathy
Autores: Alcázar-Córcoles MA, Verdejo-García A, Bouso-Saiz JC.
Referencia: Rev Neurol. 2008 Dec 1-15;47(11):607-12.
Psychophysiological effects of massage-myofascial release after exercise: a randomized sham-control study.
Autores: Arroyo-Morales M, Olea N, Martínez MM, Hidalgo-Lozano A, Ruiz-Rodríguez C, Díaz-Rodríguez L.
Referencia: J Altern Complement Med. 2008 Dec;14(10):1223-9.
PMID: 19123877
Papel de las aminopeptidasas en el control neuroendocrino de la presión arterial en animales de experimentación
Autores: Banegas I, Ramírez M, Alba F, Vives F, Segarra AB, Hermoso F, Durán R, Prieto I.
Referencia: Endocrinol. Nutr.55:402-428, 2008
Predicting the onset and persistence of episodes of depression in primary health care. The predictD-Spain study: methodology.
Autores: Bellón JA, Moreno-Küstner B, Torres-González F, Montón-Franco C, GildeGómez-Barragán MJ, Sánchez-Celaya M, Díaz-Barreiros MA, Vicens C, de Dios Luna J, Cervilla JA, Gutierrez B, Martínez-Cañavate MT, Oliván-Blázquez B, Vázquez-Medrano A, Sánchez-Artiaga MS, March S, Motrico E, Ruiz-García VM, Brangier-Wainberg PR, Del Mar Muñoz-García M, Nazareth I, King M; predictD group.
Referencia: BMC Public Health. 2008 Jul 25;8:256.
PMID: 18657275
Sleep disturbance in heavy marijuana users.
Autores: Bolla KI, Lesage SR, Gamaldo CE, Neubauer DN, Funderburk FR, Cadet JL, David PM, Verdejo-Garcia A, Benbrook AR.
Referencia: Sleep. 2008 Jun 1;31(6):901-8.
Myofascial trigger points in cluster headache patients: a case series.
Autores: Calandre EP, Hidalgo J, Garcia-Leiva JM, Rico-Villademoros F, Delgado-Rodriguez A.
Referencia: Head Face Med. 2008 Dec 30;4:32
PMID: 19116034
Estudio de la influencia de la nutrición y genética maternas sobre la programación del desarrollo del tejido adiposo fetal (Estudio PREOBE)
Autores: Campoy C, Martín-Bautista E, García-Valdés L, Florido J, Agil A, Lorente J A, Marcos A,López-Sabater M C, Miranda-León T, Sanz Y, Molina Font J A. Grupo PREOBE
Referencia: Nutr Hosp. 23 (6): 484-590, 2008
PMID: 19132267
Frontal behavioral and emotional symptoms in Spanish individuals with acquired brain injury and substance use disorders.
Autores: Caracuel A, Verdejo-García A, Vilar-Lopez R, Perez-Garcia M, Salinas I, Cuberos G, Coin MA, Santiago-Ramajo S, Puente AE.
Referencia: Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2008 Jul;23(4):447-54.
PMID: 18450417
Interaction between previous beliefs and cue predictive value in covariation-based causal induction
Autores: Catena A, Maldonado A, Perales JC, Cándido A
Referencia: Acta Psychologica, 2008; 128 (2): 339-349
Alterations in episodic memory in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Autores: Coín-Mejías, M.A., Peralta-Ramírez, M.A., Santiago-Ramajo, S., Morente-Soto, G., Ortego-Centeno, N., Callejas-Rubio, J.L., Jiménez-Alonso, J., Gómez-Río, M. y Pérez-García, M.
Referencia: Arch Clin Neuropsych 23; 2: 157-164, 2008
PMID: 18093796
Human platelet-specific antigens frequencies in the Argentinean population.
Autores: De La Vega Elena CD, Nogués N, Fernández Montoya A, Chialina S, Blanzaco PD, Theiller E, Raillon MA, Arancegui N, Solis E, Oyonarte S, Crespo Ferrer V, Campos Muñoz A, Muñiz-Díaz E.
Referencia: Transfus Med. 2008 Apr;18(2):83-90.
Beyond the “hype” on the association between metabolic syndrome and atypical antipsychotics: the confounding effects of cohort, typical antipsychotics, severe mental illness, and co-morbid substance use (editorial)
Autores: de Leon J.
Referencia: Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 28:125-131
PMID: 18344721
A Descriptive Case-Register Study of Delusional Disorder
Autores: De Portugal, E; González, N; Haro, JM; Autonell, J & Cervilla JA
Referencia: Eur Psychiatry. 2008 Mar;23(2):125-33.
PMID: 18082379
Cognitive performance in recreational ecstasy polydrug users: a two-year follow-up study.
Autores: de Sola Llopis S, Miguelez-Pan M, Peña-Casanova J, Poudevida S, Farré M, Pacifici R, Böhm P, Abanades S, Verdejo García A, Langohr K, Zuccaro P, de la Torre R.
Referencia: J Psychopharmacol. 2008 Jul;22(5):498-510.
Auditory event-related potentials (P3) and cognitive performance in recreational ecstasy polydrug users: evidence from a 12-month longitudinal study.
Autores: de Sola S, Tarancón T, Peña-Casanova J, Espadaler JM, Langohr K, Poudevida S, Farré M, Verdejo-García A, de la Torre R.
Referencia: Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2008 Oct;200(3):425-37.
Pharmacology and Therapeutic Potential of Sigma-1 Receptor Ligands
Autores: E.J. Cobos, J.M. Entrena, F.R. Nieto, C.M. Cendan and E. Del Pozo
Referencia: Curr Neuropharmacol. 6 (4); 344-366, 2008
PMID: 19587856
A family with atypical cystic fibrosis: brother and sister with heterozygosity for both G542X and R117H.
Autores: Farez-Vidal ME, Gómez-Llorente MA, Gómez-Llorente C, Blanco S, Casas-Maldonado F, Campoy C, Gómez-Capilla JA.
Referencia: Pediatr Dev Pathol. 2008 May-Jun;11(3):213-9. Epub 2007 Dec 13
PMID: 18078365
Effects of myofascial induction techniques on physiologic and psychologic parameters: a randomized controlled trial.
Autores: Fernández-Pérez AM, Peralta-Ramírez MI, Pilat A, Villaverde C.
Referencia: J Altern Complement Med. 2008 Sep;14(7):807-11.
PMID: 18724827
Electron probe X-ray microanalysis for the study of cell physiology.
Autores: Fernandez-Segura E, Warley A.
Referencia: Methods Cell Biol.2008;88:19-43. Review.
PMID: 18617026
Dietary intake of natural sources of docosahexaenoic acid and folate in pregnant women of three European cohorts
Autores: Franke C, Verwied-Jorky S, Campoy C, Trak-Fellermeier M, Decsi T, Dolz V, Koletzko B.
Referencia: Ann Nutr Metab 2008;53(3-4):167-74. Epub 2008 Nov 11.
PMID: 19001784
Taste learning in rodents: compounds and individual taste cues recognition
Autores: Gallo, M.
Referencia: Behav Brain Sci 31(1) 80-81, 2008
Treatment pattern of Alzheimer's disease with cholinesterase inhibitors (TRAIN study)
Autores: Gil-Néciga E, Gobartt AL; grupo de investigadores del estudio TRAIN.
Referencia: Rev Neurol. 2008 Apr 16-30;46(8):461-4. Spanish
PMID: 18428102
Quality of life in bipolar disorder patients: a comparison with a general population sample.
Autores: Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Gurpegui M, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Gutiérrez-Ariza JA, Ruiz-Veguilla M, Jurado D.
Referencia: Bipolar Disord Jul;10(5):625-34, 2008
PMID: 18657247
Parkinson patient fibroblasts show increased alpha-synuclein expression.
Autores: Hoepken HH, Gispert S, Azizov M, Klinkenberg M, Ricciardi F, Kurz A, Morales-Gordo B, Bonin M, Riess O, Gasser T, Kögel D, Steinmetz H, Auburger G.
Referencia: Exp Neurol. 2008 Aug;212(2):307-13
PMID: 18511044
Proteomic profiling of neuromas reveals alterations in protein composition and local protein synthesis in hyper-excitable nerves
Autores: Huang HL, Cendan CM, Roza C, Okuse K, Cramer R, Timms JF, Wood JN.
Referencia: Mol Pain. Aug 12;4:33, 2008
PMID: 18700027
Local translation in primary afferent fibers regulates nociception
Autores: Jíménez-Díaz L, Gérantom SM, Passmore GM, Leith JL, Fisher AS, Berliocchi L, Sivasubramaniam AK, Sheasby A, Lumb BM, Hunt SP
Referencia: PLoS One. 2008 Apr 9;3(4):e1961
PMID: 18398477
The roles of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in pregnancy, lactation and infancy: review of current knowledge and consensus recommendations.
Autores: Koletzko B, Lien E, Agostoni C, Böhles H, Campoy C, Cetin I, Decsi T, Dudenhausen JW, Dupont C, Forsyth S, Hoesli I, Holzgreve W, Lapillonne A, Putet G, Secher NJ, Symonds M, Szajewska H, Willatts P, Uauy R; World Association of Perinatal Medicine Dietary Guidelines Working Group.
Referencia: J Perinat Med. 2008;36(1):5-14.
PMID: 18184094
Decreased cord blood IL-4, IL-13, and CCR4 and increased TGF-beta levels after fish oil supplementation of pregnant women.
Autores: Krauss-Etschmann S, Hartl D, Rzehak P, Heinrich J, Shadid R, Del Carmen Ramírez-Tortosa M, Campoy C, Pardillo S, Schendel DJ, Decsi T, Demmelmair H, Koletzko BV; Nutraceuticals for Healthier Life Study Group.
Referencia: J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008 Feb;121(2):464-470.e6
PMID: 17980419
Organochlorine pesticide exposure in children living in southern Spain.
Autores: Lopez-Espinosa MJ, Lopez-Navarrete E, Rivas A, Fernandez MF, Nogueras M, Campoy C, Olea-Serrano F, Lardelli P, Olea N.
Referencia: Environ Res. 2008 Jan;106(1):1-6
PMID: 17915209
Chronic ethanol exposure induces alterations in the nucleocytoplasmic transport in growing astrocytes.
Autores: Marín MP, Tomas M, Esteban-Pretel G, Megías L, López-Iglesias C, Egea G, Renau-Piqueras J.
Referencia: J Neurochem. 2008 Aug;106(4):1914-28.
PMID: 18547370
Nicotine dependence vs. daily smoking as a meaningful variable: implications for clinical and epidemiological psychiatric studies.
Autores: Martínez-Ortega JM, Jurado D, Gurpegui M.
Referencia: Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2008 Dec 12;32(8):1972-7.
PMID: 18854205
Psychometric properties of the Psychotropic-Related Sexual Dysfunction Questionnaire (PRSexDQ-SALSEX) in patients with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.
Autores: Montejo AL, Rico-Villademoros F.
Referencia: J Sex Marital Ther. 2008;34(3):227-39.
PMID: 18398761
Changes in sexual function for outpatients with schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders treated with ziprasidone in clinical practice settings: a 3-month prospective, observational study.
Autores: Montejo AL, Rico-Villademoros F; Spanish Working Group for the Study of Psychotropic-Related Sexual Dysfunction.
Referencia: J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2008 Oct;28(5):568-70.
PMID: 18794656
Tetrodotoxin inhibits the development and expression of neuropathic pain induced by paclitaxel in mice
Autores: Nieto, FR, Entrena, JM, Cendán, CM, Del Pozo, E, Vela, JM, Baeyens, JM
Referencia: Pain 137; 3:520-531, 2008
PMID: 18037242
Two Models of Homocysteine Behavior in Acute Myocardial Infarction
Autores: Osorio A, Ortega E, Ruiz-Requena E
Referencia: Clin Biochem 41:277-281, 2008
PMID: 18234168
Effects of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (liquide ecstasy) on the eye development of the chick embryo
Autores: Pascual-Morenilla MT, M. Guirao-Piñeyro, F. Robles-Garzón, J.A. Roda-Moreno, M. López-Soler, F. Arrebola-Nacle, J.A. Casanova-LLivina, O. Roda-Murillo.
Referencia: Eur.J.Anat. 12(3):139-143
Processing of semantic relations in normal aging and Alzheimer's disease.
Autores: Peraita H, Díaz C, Anllo-Vento L.
Referencia: Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2008 Jan;23(1):33-46.
PMID: 17961974
Environmental prenatal stress alters sexual dimorphism of maternal behavior in rats.
Autores: Perez-Laso C, Segovia S, Martín JL, Ortega E, Gómez F, Del Cerro MC.
Referencia: Behav. Brain Res.187:284-288, 2008
PMID: 17980921
Role of central and peripheral aminopeptidase activities in the control of blood pressure: a working hypothesis.
Autores: Ramírez M, Prieto I, Alba F, Vives F, Banegas I, de Gasparo M.
Referencia: Heart Fail Rev. 13(3):339-353, 2008
PMID: 18373194
The relationship between sleep and epilepsy.
Autores: Rocamora R, Sánchez-Alvarez JC, Salas-Puig J.
Referencia: Neurologist. 2008 Nov;14(6 Suppl 1):S35-43. Review.
PMID: 19225369
Hybrid cell death induced by exposure to 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA): an ultrastructural and X-ray microanalytical study.
Autores: Rodriguez IA, Fernández-Segura E, Ceballos G, Arrebola F, Sánchez-Quevedo MC, Campos A.
Referencia: J Adhes Dent. 2008 Feb;10(2):105-11.
PMID: 18512507
Drug regimens in patients with medication-resistant epilepsy in neurology and epilepsy outpatient departments in Spain
Autores: Rufo-Campos M, Sancho-Rieger J, Peña P, Masramon X, Rejas-Gutiérrez J; Grupo de Colaboradores del Estudio LINCE.
Referencia: Rev Neurol. 2008 Nov 16-30;47(10):517-24. Spanish.
PMID: 19012255
Neurodevelopmental markers in different psychopathological dimensions of first episode psychosis: The ESPIGAS Study.
Autores: Ruiz-Veguilla M, Jorge A Cervilla, María L Barrigón, Maite Ferrín, Blanca Gutiérrez, Estíbaliz Gordo, Manuel Anguita, Antia Brañas, Jesus Fernández- Logroño, Manuel Gurpegui
Referencia: Eur Psychiatry. 2008 Dec;23(8):533-40.
PMID: 18585009
Nombres de personas: una prueba de fluidez verbal sin influencias socioeducativas.
Autores: Sáez Zea C, Carnero-Pardo C, Gurpegui M
Referencia: Neurología 23; 6: 356-360, 2008
PMID: 18247186
[Consensus on physical health of patients with schizophrenia from the Spanish Societies of Psychiatry and Biological Psychiatry]
Autores: Sáiz Ruiz J, Bobes García J, Vallejo Ruiloba J, Giner Ubago J, García-Portilla González MP; Grupo de Trabajo sobre la Salud Física del Paciente con Esquizofrenia.
Referencia: Actas Esp Psiquiatr. 2008 Sep-Oct;36(5):251-64.
PMID: 18830847
Effects of swim stress on mRNA and protein levels of steroid 5-reductase isozymes in prefrontal cortex of adult male rats.
Autores: Sánchez P, Torres JM, Gavete P, Ortega E
Referencia: Neurochem Int. 52:426-431, 2008
PMID: 17826869
Effects of Sulpiride on mRNA levels of Steroid 5-Reductase isozymes in prostate of adult rats
Autores: Sanchez P, Torres JM, Vilchez P, del Moral RG, Ortega E.
Referencia: IUBMB Life 60:68-72, 2008
PMID: 18379994
Effects of Sulpiride on Prolactin and mRNA levels of steroid 5-reductase isozymes in adult rat brain.
Autores: Sánchez P, Torres JM, Vilchez P, García del Moral R, Ortega E
Referencia: Neurochem Res. 33:820-825, 2008
PMID: 17940878
Health and non-health care resources use in the management of adult outpatients with drug-resistant epilepsy in Spain: a cost-of-illness study (LINCE study).
Autores: Sancho J, Peña P, Rufo M, Palacios G, Masramon X, Rejas J; LINCE Study Collaborative Group.
Referencia: Epilepsy Res. 2008 Oct;81(2-3):176-87
PMID: 18617369
Dietary fat influences testosterone, cholesterol, aminopeptidase A, and blood pressure in male rats
Autores: Segarra AB, Ramirez M, Banegas I, Alba F, Vives F, de Gasparo M, Ortega E, Ruiz E, Prieto I.
Referencia: Horm. Metab. Res. 40:289-291, 2008
PMID: 18548389
Influence of medication treatment patterns on resource use for patients hospitalized for schizophrenia.
Autores: Strutton DR, Gutierrez B, Blanchette CM
Referencia: Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2008 Jan 1;65(1):42-8.
PMID: 18159038
Impulsivity as a vulnerability marker for substance-use disorders: review of findings from high-risk research, problem gamblers and genetic association studies.
Autores: Verdejo-García A, Lawrence AJ, Clark L.
Referencia: Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2008;32(4):777-810.
Use of specific malingering measures in a Spanish sample.
Autores: Vilar-López R, Gómez-Río M, Caracuel-Romero A, Llamas-Elvira J, Pérez-García M.
Referencia: J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2008 Aug;30(6):710-22
PMID: 18612877
Malingering detection in a Spanish population with a known-groups design.
Autores: Vilar-López R, Gómez-Río M, Santiago-Ramajo S, Rodríguez-Fernández A, Puente AE, Pérez-García M.
Rerencia: Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2008 Jul;23(4):365-77
PMID: 18343087
Free amino acid concentrations in vitreus humor and cerebrospinal fluid in relation to the cause of death and postmortem intervals
Autores: Villanueva, E., Girela E., Irigoyen P, Girela V, Peinado J.M.
Referencia: J. Forensic Sci, 2008; 53: 730-733.