

    • PDI-permanente.

    • E-mail:

    • Brief CV: José Manuel Rodríguez Ferrer is a Doctor in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Granada with an Extraordinary Award, a Medical Specialist in Clinical Analysis and a Corresponding Academician of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Eastern Andalusia. He is currently a University Professor assigned to the Department of Physiology of the University of Granada. He has completed postdoctoral fellowship stays at the Universities of Oxford and Edinburgh in the United Kingdom and at the University of North Carolina in the United States. His research activity focuses on the physiological study of the visual system in humans, visual attention and other aspects of the nervous and neuroendocrine system. He is the author of two hundred scientific publications and the book “Essential Neurophysiology” published by the University of Granada. In his teaching activity, he has participated in six degrees, four doctoral programs and four master's degrees. It is currently Director of the Institute of Neurosciences. Dr. Rodríguez Ferrer is a Member of the Spanish Society of Neuroscience, the New York Academy of Sciences and the Society for Neuroscience, and Postdoctoral Fellow at Wolfson College of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. He is in possession of the Silver Medal of the Faculty of Medicine of Granada and of the University of Granada.

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0002-1536-1680


    • PDI-permanente.

    • E-mail:

    • Brief CV: Graduate in Biology from the University of Granada (UGR). She completed his doctorate thanks to a FPU scholarship from the Ministry with a thesis focused on the study of candidate genes and genetic-environmental interactions in depression, for which he obtained the Extraordinary Doctorate Award in Health Sciences. In 2009, she got a Marie Curie Intra-European (IEF) postdoctoral fellowship from the European Union to spend a stay at King's College London where she began a new line of research based on the study of the genetic relationship between depression and obesity. After six and a half years abroad, she returned to Granada with another Marie Curie IEF scholarship and later joined the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II of the UGR with a Ramón y Cajal contract. She is currently assistant professor in this department where she carries out her teaching and research work on the study of the genetic bases of mental disorders and physical diseases, mainly obesity.

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0003-4717-1045

  • Secretario: GÁMIZ RUIZ, FERNANDO.

    • PDI-permanente

    • E-mail: @email

    • Brief CV: Graduate in Psychologist and Master in Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience from the University of Granada. Thanks to an FPU scholarship, he received his doctorate with a thesis on the brain mechanisms responsible for learning and memory for taste, object and spatial recognition from an ontogenetic perspective. He completed a postdoctoral stay at the Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile) where he investigated the role of organophosphate drugs in cognitive function throughout the life cycle in animal models. He is currently a assistant professor in the Department of Psychobiology of the Faculty of Psychology. Throughout his research career he has participated in different regional and national projects, and is part of the CTS1003 “Neuroplasticity and Learning” Research Group. His line of research focuses on studying the brain mechanisms responsible for learning and memory and the role of early influences on development.

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0001-6359-2718



    • PDI-permanente.

    • E-mail: @email

    • Brief CV: Ahmad Agil is Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Granada and member of the Institute of Neurosciences. He completed three postdoctoral stays in the USA, University of Texas (Dallas) and Harvard University (Boston). He has been awarded for his research by American and European Institutions. It has trained 27 postdoctoral fellows, doctoral and master's students from numerous countries. He has been editor of the Endocrinology and Metabolism section and is a regular reviewer for numerous impact journals. He has published more than 58 original articles. Since 2010, he has led a research group whose main line is “brown adipose tissue: a therapeutic target for obesity and diabetes”. During the years 2013-2017, 22% of its publications have been highly cited in the area of ​​Endocrinology and Nutrition in the world. “Top 10” according to “Thomson Reuters”. He is involved in undergraduate teaching activities in Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy and in three official Master's degrees.

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0003-0164-9648


    • PDI-permanente.

    • E-mail: @email

    • Brief CV: Doctor of Pharmacy (1999) and Bachelor of Food Science and Technology (2006). Predoctoral Fellow of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in the Department of Pathological Anatomy of the University of Granada (1994-1999). Postdoctoral Fellow from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport in the Electron Microscopy Unit of the Rayne Institute at King's College, University of London (2000-2002). Assistant professor of the Department of Histology at the University of Granada (since 2003). Evaluator of the State Research Agency of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (since 2007). Principal researcher and collaborator in teaching and research innovation projects. Author of numerous communications at conferences and scientific articles in high-impact magazines. Extensive experience in in vitro experimentation and in the development of tissue engineering structures, as well as in the analysis of cell death mechanisms and in the evaluation of the therapeutic potential of substances in pathologies with high incidence using histology and immunohistochemistry techniques.

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0002-5030-3339

    • More information: Perfil de ResearchGate


    • Miembro Asociado.

    • Correo electrónico: @email


    • PDI-permanente.

    • E-mail: @email

    • Brief CV: Graduate in Medicine and Surgery (1986), Doctor in Medicine and Surgery (1989) and Specialist in Paediatrics (1995). Expert Degree in Neonatology (1997) and Master in Paediatric Endocrinology and Nutrition (1998). Head of the Research Group on “Child Nutrition and Metabolism” (PAI-CTS187). Director of the EURISTIKOS Excellence Center for Paediatric Research (PTS-UGR). Director of the ORDESA-University of Granada Chair. He has published more than 250 national and international articles and books/book chapters, and actively participated in National and International Congresses with more than 60 conferences and more than 580 communications. He has supervised 29 Doctoral Theses and more than 50 Master's Thesis. She has been Principal Investigator in 8 European Union Research projects, Projects of Excellence of the Regional Government of Andalusia and projects financed by companies. She has directly trained more than 125 researchers through scholarships and contracts, and co-inventor of two patents. It is member of the INMA network and CIBERESP.

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0002-9860-6785


    • PDI-permanente.

    • E-mail: @email

    • Brief CV: Graduated in Medicine in 1982 from the Faculty of Medicine of Granada. Doctorate in Medicine in 1984 with Extraordinary Prize from the University of Granada. Assistant professor of Histology at the University of Granada since 1987. Author of more than 50 scientific works published in national and international journals, the following publications stand out: Journal Cell Physiology, Apoptosis, JM. Mol Pain, Neuropharmacology, Electron Microscopy, Micron and Microscopica Acta, Journal of Microscopy, Scanning Microscopy, Scanning, Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh), Hearing Research, British Journal of Urology, Histolology and Histopathology, Medical Histology. Author of different book chapters related to balance receptors and study methods with electron microscopy. Author of the book “Analysis of the implementation process of the ECTS system at the University of Granada”. Author of more than 100 scientific communications or presentations presented at conferences. Participation in 18 R&D research projects financed in public calls and contracts with companies. Director of 8 Theses. Coordinator and/or member of 6 teaching innovation projects. Teacher of the Master of Neurosciences and Pain at the UGR. Secretary of the Institute of Neurosciences (1998-2000), Vice-Dean of Academic Organization of the Faculty of Medicine of the UGR (2000-2008). Coordinator of the Medicine Degree for adaptation to the European Higher Education Area (2004-2008). Member of the internal evaluation committee of the UGR Faculty of Medicine (2001-2003). Secretary of the Internal Quality Assurance Commission of the degree of the Faculty of Medicine of Granada. It has four six-year periods of ANECA research.

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0002-2310-123X


    • PDI-permanente.

    • Correo electrónico: @email

    • Breve CV 

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0001-5431-4513


    • PDI-permanente.

    • Correo electrónico: @email

    • Breve CV

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0001-6891-1992




    • PDI-permanente.

    • E-mail: @email

    • Brief CV: Graduated in Biochemistry from the University of Granada (UGR) in 2003 and member of the PAI CTS-438 research group “Study of Neurodegenerative Diseases in Andalusia” since 2004. Thanks to a predoctoral scholarship from the Ministry of Innovation and Science of the Government of Andalusia, she obtained the degree of Doctor in Biochemistry in November 2008. Her line of research focuses in the analysis of markers of protein stress and oxidative stress in Parkinson's disease (PD). From 2010 to 2013, she carried out a postdoctoral stay at the “Institute of Neurology” of the “University College of London”, within the “Neurogenetics” laboratory directed by Professor John Hardy. Her experimental work is based on the analysis of risk allelic variants in PD. During this period, she joined the "UK Parkinson's Disease Consortium" and "International Parkinson's Disease Genomics Consortium" as a collaborating researcher, with whom she currently continues working. In 2013, he re-joined the UGR and began her own line of research in the study of lysosomal dysfunction in PD, supported by the financing of two research projects. She is assistant professor in the Department of Physiology of the Faculty of Medicine.

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0002-5749- 8968


    • PDI-permanente.

    • E-mail: @email

    • Brief CV: Graduate in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Granada (1986). PhD in the Department of Cellular Biology within the Biopathology program. Doctor in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Granada (1989). Collaborating professor of the Department of Cell Biology of the Faculty of Experimental Sciences (University College of Jaén) and in the Department of Cell Biology of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (University of the Basque Country). Associate Professor of the Department of Histology of the Faculty of Medicine (University of Granada). Further studies in the Division of Physiology, Sherrington School of Physiology (London) and The Rayne Institute, St. Thomas's Hospital (London). Collaborating and main researcher in numerous research projects funded by public and private institutions. Corresponding Academic of the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of Eastern Andalusia. Former secretary of the “Federico Olóriz” Neuroscience Institute of the University of Granada.

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0001-6062-0699


    • PDI-permanente.

    • E-mail: @email

    • Brief CV: A psychologist by training, she received her doctorate at the UGR with a thesis on the function of the area postrema in interoceptive learning. She is currently a professor of Psychobiology and director of the “Federico Olóriz” Institute of Neurosciences. Her research is aimed at the study of the brain mechanisms responsible for learning and memory, with special interest in early development and aging. Head of the CTS1003 “Neuroplasticity and Learning” Research Group, throughout his research career he has continuously been PI of regional and national projects, maintaining collaborations with prestigious universities and international companies. She was president of the European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO) and participates in various neuroscientific committees and associations.

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0002-9712-6106


    • PDI-permanente

    • Correo electrónico: @email

    • Breve CV: Licenciado en Psicóloga y Máster en Neurociencia Cognitiva y del Comportamiento por la Universidad de Granada. Gracias a una beca FPU se doctoró con una tesis sobre los mecanismos cerebrales responsables del aprendizaje y la memoria de reconocimiento gustativa, de objetos y espacial desde una perspectiva ontogenética. Realizó una estancia postdoctoral en la Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile) donde investigó el papel de fármacos organofosforados en la función cognitiva a lo largo del ciclo vital en modelos animales. En la actualidad es profesor ayudante doctor en el Departamento de Psicobiología de la Facultad de Psicología. A lo largo de su trayectoria investigadora ha participado en diferentes proyectos autonómicos y nacionales, y forma parte del Grupo de investigación CTS1003 “Neuroplasticidad y Aprendizaje”. Su línea de investigación se centra en estudiar los mecanismos cerebrales responsables del aprendizaje y de la memoria y el papel de las influencias tempranas en el desarrollo.

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0001-6359-2718


    • PDI-permanente

    • Correo electrónico: @email

    • Breve CV

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0002-3730-9111


    • Technical Support Staff.

    • E-mail: @email

    • Brief CV: Diploma in Teaching (1988). Graduate in Psychology (1991). Diploma in Nursing (1995). Doctor from the UGR (2010). Expert in Celiac disease (2011, Univ. Seville). B1 English (2014); B2 French (2016). Laboratory Technician Specialist (Human Anatomy 1993-2000). Téc. Esp. Lab (Institute of Neurosciences 2000-2007). Intermediate Degree Technician (I. Neurosciences from 2007 to the present). Member of the CTS-502 research group on headaches and fibromyalgia. Co-author, researcher and regular collaborator in articles, projects and in the organization of events and activities promoted by various research groups of the Institute of Neurosciences.

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0003-4304-3660


    • PDI-Profesor sustituto interino

    • Correo electrónico:


    • PDI-permanente.

    • Correo electrónico: @email


    • PDI-permanente

    • Correo electrónico: @email 

    • Web personal:

    • Director del Grupo de Investigación: CTS-549: Psiquiatría y neurociencias

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0003-0082-2189


    • PDI-permanente.

    • Correo electrónico: @email

    • Breve CV

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0002-2750-8440


    • Miembro Asociado.

    • E-mail: @email

    • Brief CV: Dr. Fco Javier Hidalgo Tallón has a degree in medicine (University of Granada), a degree in dentistry (University of Granada), a specialist in stomatology (Complutense University of Madrid), a doctor of medicine (University of Granada). Postgraduate stay in implantology and Periodontics at the New York College of Dentistry, in the Orofacial Pain department of the University of Kentucky and at the Havana Ozone Therapy Research Center. Master in implantology, oral rehabilitation and biomaterials (Paris XV University). University expert University expert in anti-aging medicine (University of Seville), university expert in musculoskeletal ultrasound (International University of La Rioja, university expert in anesthesiology and pain therapy (CEU Cardenal Herrera University). Teaching collaborator, on topics related mainly to pain medicine, at the universities of Granada, Basque Country, CEU San Pablo, Complutense of Madrid, Juan Carlos I, Alcalá de Henares, Miguel Hernández, Valencia, Seville, Cádiz and Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III). Associate researcher at the Neurosciences Institute of the University of Granada and co-author of 25 articles in scientific journals. Co-director of two doctoral theses. Author of 4 book chapters. President of the XXIX national congress of the Spanish society of craniomandibular dysfunction and orofacial pain. Speaker in more than 100 presentations at national and international conferences. He currently works as director of two private pain units (Clinalgia). Director of the Company/University Chair of Ozone Therapy and Chronic Pain at the San Antonio University of Murcia.


    • PDI-Permanente Laboral con vinculación al SAS

    • Correo electrónico:

    • Breve CV:



    • Miembro Asociado.

    • E-mail: @email

    • Brief CV: Graduate in Medicine (Granada 2008). Specialist in General Surgery and the digestive system 2014. Master in Coloproctology (Zaragoza 2015) Expert and professional medical-surgical Master on pelvic floor dysfunction (Miguel Hernández University 2018). Currently pursuing a doctorate on pelvic floor dysfunction. Member of the CTS-502 research group on headaches, fibromyalgia and chronic pain. Co-author, researcher and regular collaborator of projects carried out by said research group with publications in national and international indexed journals.


    • PDI-permanente.

    • Correo electrónico:

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0002-0771-7608


    • PDI-permanente.

    • Correo electrónico: @email


    • PDI-permanente.

    • E-mail:

    • Brief CV: I am the author of 37 articles published in international journals; most of them (92%) published in journals of the first decile or quartile (Pharmacol Research, PAIN, Arthritis & Rheumatology). About 10 of my articles have received more citations than 90% of the works published in the same area, and I have collected about 2000 citations so far (h-index=23, WOS) and almost 3000 according to Google Scholar. I have been principal investigator (PI) of a project funded by the National Research Plan and another by the Junta de Andalucía, in addition to various smaller projects. I collaborate with European research groups within the framework of a COST-funded action (2024; CA23156 - European Network for Sigma-1 Receptor as a Therapeutic Opportunity [SIGMA-1EUROPE]). Knowledge transfer has played an important role in my career. I have been PI of two research contracts with the private sector. I am the inventor of five global patents (PCT), and another currently submitted to the patent office. I have collaborated with the pharmaceutical industry (Esteve) in the development of S1RA, a sigma-1 antagonist evaluated in phase II clinical trials. I am also currently collaborating with WEX Pharmaceuticals in the development of TTX, which is currently in Phase III clinical trials. I have been invited to give several conferences at congresses of Scientific Societies (Spanish Society of Pain and Spanish Society of Pharmacology) and at the congress of the Spanish Network of Ionic Channels. The transfer to society also takes up part of my time. I collaborate as head of outreach workshops with the Granada Science Park during Brain Week (2022-2024), and some of my research has been echoed in the media. Currently, I am the co-investigator responsible for the “Neuropharmacology of Pain” research group at the Biosanitary Research Institute of Granada (IBS.Granada). I have directed a Doctoral Thesis, which has been awarded several times, and I am currently directing another. I received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the UGR and some of my research has been awarded, such as the Grünenthal Foundation Award (2018). I have collaborated with the State Research Agency as commissioner of the technical commission for the evaluation of projects in the DPT area (2023) and as an external evaluator (2024). I have also evaluated foreign projects for the Medical Research Council (UK) or the VersusArthritis foundation (UK). I am an associate editor of Frontiers in Pharmacology and have been a reviewer for numerous JCR journals (Pain, Biochem Pharmacol, JPET, Neuropharmacology, Pharmacol Res, J Neuroinflammation, Sci Rep, among others). I have an academic position as Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Basic, Applied Neurosciences and Pain (UGR).

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0001-9555-0651


    • PDI-permanente.

    • Correo electrónico: @email

    • Breve CV

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0002-6518-2162


    • PDI-Miembro honorario permanente.

    • E-mail: @email

    • Brief CV: Bachelor's degree (1972) and doctorate (1975) in Medicine from the University of Granada. Postdoctoral stays at the Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri in Milan (1975-1976) and at the University of Kansas Medical Center in the USA (1976-1977). Currently extraordinary collaborating professor in the Department of Pharmacology of the University of Granada and member of the Institute of Neurosciences. Co-author of a book, 13 book chapters and 72 publications in international magazines. Principal investigator in 13 clinical trials. Director of 14 doctoral theses and 15 Master's thesis.

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0003-2469-4564


    • Miembro Asociado.

    • E-mail: @email

    • Brief CV: Graduate in Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid, Doctor in Medicine from the University of Granada and Master in Pharmacoepidemiology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He has worked for more than 25 years in the pharmaceutical industry in medical and clinical research departments. He currently works as a clinical research and medical communication consultant. It collaborates with the University of the Basque Country, the University of Granada, the University of Santiago de Compostela, the CEU San Pablo University, and various private entities in postgraduate training on research methodology and medical communication. He is the author of more than 60 articles in indexed journals, mainly in the field of neurosciences.

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0002-1154-5095


    • PDI-permanente.

    • E-mail: @email

    • Brief CV: Graduate in Biology from the University of Granada (UGR). She completed his doctorate thanks to a FPU scholarship from the Ministry with a thesis focused on the study of candidate genes and genetic-environmental interactions in depression, for which he obtained the Extraordinary Doctorate Award in Health Sciences. In 2009, she got a Marie Curie Intra-European (IEF) postdoctoral fellowship from the European Union to spend a stay at King's College London where she began a new line of research based on the study of the genetic relationship between depression and obesity. After six and a half years abroad, she returned to Granada with another Marie Curie IEF scholarship and later joined the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II of the UGR with a Ramón y Cajal contract. She is currently assistant professor in this department where she carries out her teaching and research work on the study of the genetic bases of mental disorders and physical diseases, mainly obesity.

    • Breve CV


    • PDI-vinculación temporal.

    • Correo electrónico: @email


    • PDI-permanente.

    • E-mail: @email

    • Brief CV: José Manuel Rodríguez Ferrer is a Doctor in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Granada with an Extraordinary Award, a Medical Specialist in Clinical Analysis and a Corresponding Academician of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Eastern Andalusia. He is currently a University Professor assigned to the Department of Physiology of the University of Granada. He has completed postdoctoral fellowship stays at the Universities of Oxford and Edinburgh in the United Kingdom and at the University of North Carolina in the United States. His research activity focuses on the physiological study of the visual system in humans, visual attention and other aspects of the nervous and neuroendocrine system. He is the author of two hundred scientific publications and the book “Essential Neurophysiology” published by the University of Granada. In his teaching activity, he has participated in six degrees, four doctoral programs and four master's degrees. It is currently Director of the Institute of Neurosciences. Dr. Rodríguez Ferrer is a Member of the Spanish Society of Neuroscience, the New York Academy of Sciences and the Society for Neuroscience, and Postdoctoral Fellow at Wolfson College of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. He is in possession of the Silver Medal of the Faculty of Medicine of Granada and of the University of Granada.


    • PDI-permanente.

    • E-mail: @email

    • Brief CV: Graduate in Pharmacy (1980) and Doctor in Pharmacy (1983) from the University of Granada. University Professor of Nursing in the Faculty of Health Sciences. Responsible Researcher of the Biosanitary Research Group (BIO277). His main line of research is the study of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments (biological, polluting and physical) in the regeneration of soft tissues and on different cell populations. He has published more than 90 articles in impact journals. He teaches in the Nursing Degree. It has recognized 6 five-year teaching terms and 6 six-year investigating terms.

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0003-4332-6812


    • PDI-permanente.

    • E-mail:

    • Brief CV: Doctor in Biology from the University of Extremadura (UEx, 2006), Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the UEx and Award from the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain (2007). In his Doctoral Thesis, she studied the distribution and function of Ca2+ transporters in the adult and developing cerebellum, with predoctoral stays at the Severo Ochoa Molecular Biology Center (UAM-CSIC, Madrid) and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). She did her postdoctoral studies at the latter institution (2007-2008) starting a line of research on Ca2+ and Mn2+ transporters in secretory pathways and Mn2+ toxicity in the nervous system. She returned to the UEx with a Doctoral Reintegration program (2009-2011) to continue his research. In 2012, she joined the Department of Cell Biology at the University of Granada as a doctoral professor, being assistant professor at the University in 2018. She currently teaches in the subjects Organography and Cellular Biology in Bachelor's studies, and Mechanisms of development and degeneration in the central nervous system and Techniques and methodologies in Master's studies. She is a member of the Biology and Biochemistry Teaching Committees and secretary of the department of Cell Biology. She also regularly participates in outreach activities to society. She belongs to the BIO-178 Cellular Neurobiology research group, where he leads a line that investigates the calcium-mediated activation of microglia and its involvement in neuropathologies. She is a member of the scientific societies SEBBM and SENC, of ​​the Spanish Glial Network and recently of the Federico Olóriz Institute of Neurosciences of Granada.

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0002-2375-5866


    • PDI-permanente.

    • Correo electrónico: @email

    • Breve CV

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0001-9361-6258


    • Miembro Asociado.

    • Correo electrónico: @email

    • Breve CV: Licenciado en Medicina (Universidad de Granada-2008). Becario pregrado del Departamento de Farmacología. Especialista en Pediatría y sus Áreas Específicas (2013). Experto Universitario en Infectología Pediátrica (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I (2018). Dedicado a la Infectología, Inmunopatología y Oncohematología Pediátricas. Investigador colaborador en 5 proyectos de ámbito internacional. Investigador principal en estudio regional para implementación de la tecnología en la ayuda diagnóstico-terapéutica. Estancia formativa reglada en Hospital Vall d’Hebron (Barcelona). Miembro del Grupo de Investigación CTS-502 sobre cefaleas, fibromialgia y dolor crónico. Coautor, investigador y colaborador habitual de proyectos realizados por dicho grupo de investigación con publicaciones en revistas indexadas de ámbito nacional e internacional. Miembro del Grupo Andaluz de Infectología e Inmunopatología Pediátricas. Miembro del Grupo Andaluz de Hemato-Oncología Pediátricas.


    • PDI-permanente.

    • E-mail: @email

    • Brief CV: Doctor in Biological Sciences and Graduate in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Granada. Professor of Physiology, University of Granada. Postdoctoral stays at the University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario, Canada) and McGill University (Montreal, Quebec, Canada). More than 70 papers in PubMed, including publications in Neuroscience, Psychopharmacology, Brain Res., Life Sci., J. Pineal Res., J. Neuroendocrinol., Eur. J. Neurosci., J. Neurol Transm., Neurodegener. Dis., Neurobiol. Aging, Lancet Neurobiol., and other specialized journals. He has presented more than one hundred communications at national and international conferences. Professor of the Master's Degree in Neuroscience and Pain. Reviewer of numerous scientific journals, he has been part of numerous thesis panels and competitions for university professor positions. Since 2000, director of the PAIDI CTS438 group “Studies of Neurodegenerative Diseases in Andalusia”. Former director of the Biomedical Research Center. Previously, secretary and director of the Institute of Neurosciences of Granada. Member of the Faculty and Governing Council of the University of Granada.

    • ORCID NUMBER: 0000-0002-7524-7441

  • Comisión Académica

    • Francisco Rafael Nieto López (coordinador del Máster en Neurociencias Básicas, Aplicadas y Dolor)

    • Enrique Cobos del Moral (responsable para el doctorado en Biomedicina)

    • Milagros Gallo Torre (responsable para el doctorado de Psicología)

  • Comisión de Divulgación y Cultura Científica

    • Juan Miguel García Leiva (PTGAS)

    • Raquel Durán Ogalla (PDI)

    • Sergio Menchén Márquez (FPU)

    • Ana Vázquez de Ágredos (FPU)

  • Comisión Económica

    • Eduardo Fernández Segura (PDI)

    • Andrés Herrera Valero (PTGAS)

    • Blanca Gutiérrez Martínez (PDI)

    • Esther Molina Rivas (PDI)

  • Comisión de Igualdad de Género

    • Elena Pita Calandre (PDI)

    • Rosa Inmaculada Montes Ramírez (PDI)

    • José Manuel Rodríguez Ferrer (PDI)

    • Juan Miguel García Leiva (PTGAS)

    • Esta comisión está en funcionamiento desde 2014.

  • Comisión de Investigación e Internacionalización

    • Blanca Gutiérrez Martínez (PDI)

    • David García Burgos (PDI)

    • Margarita Rivera Sánchez (PDI)

    • Cruz Miguel Cendán Martínez (PDI)

  • Junta electoral

    • Milagros Gallo Torre (PDI)

    • Juan Miguel García Leiva (PTGAS)

    • Margarita Rivera Sánchez (PDI)

  • Ahmad Agil Abdalla

    • Laboratorio 102

  • Enrique J. Cobos del Moral y Francisco R. Nieto López

    • Laboratorios 111, 155 y 156

  • Francisco Jesús Arrebola Vargas

    • Laboratorio 153

  • Milagros Gallo Torre

    • Laboratorio 107 y 108

  • Blanca Gutiérrez Martínez

    • Despachos 103

    • Despachos puerta 40

  • Margarita Rivera Sánchez

    • Laboratorio 112

  • Francisco Vives Montero y Raquel Durán Ogalla

    • Laboratorio 152