Beneficial effects of melatonin on obesity and lipid profile in young Zucker diabetic fatty rats.
Autores: Agil A, Navarro-Alarcón M, Ruiz Rl, Abuhamada S, Elmir YM, Fernández Vázquez G F.
Referencia: Journal of Pineal Research. 2011;50(2):207-12.
PMID: 21087312
The influence of genetic and environmental factors among MDMA users in cognitive performance.
Autores: Cuyàs E, Verdejo-García A, Fagundo AB, Khymenets O, Rodríguez J, Cuenca A, de Sola Llopis S, Langohr K, Peña-Casanova J, Torrens M, Martín-Santos R, Farré M, de la Torre R.
PMID: PMID: 22110616
Changes in cardiometabolic risk factors, appetite-controlling hormones and cytokines after a treatment program in overweight adolescents: preliminary findings from the EVASYON study.
Autores: Marcos A, Campoy C, López-Belmonte G, Delgado M, Martín-Matillas M, Aparicio V, Carbonell A, Agil A, Silva DR, Molina Font JA, Pérez-Ballesteros C, Piqueras MJ, Chillón P, Tercedor P, Martín-Lagos JA, Martín-Bautista E, Pérez-Expósito M, Garófano M, Aguilar MJ, Fernández-Mayorga A, Sánchez P, Marcos A, Gómez-Martínez S, Zapatera B, Nova E, Romeo J, Díaz LE, Pozo T, Wärnberg J, Puertollano MA, Morandé G, Villaseñor A, Madruga D, Muñoz R, Veiga OL, Villagra A, Martínez-Gómez D, Garcia RM, Vaquero MP, Pérez-Granados AM, Navas-Carretero S, Martí A, Azcona C, Moleres A, Rendo T, Marqués M, Martínez JA, Redondo-Figuero C, García-Fuentes M, DeRufino P, González-Lamuño D, Amigo T, Lanza R, Noriega MJ, Garagorri JM, Moreno LA, Romero P, De Miguel P, Rodríguez G, Bueno G, Mesana M, Vicente G, Fernández J, Rey-López P, Muro C, Tomás C, Wärnberg J, Calle ME, Barrios L.
Referencia: Pediatric Diabetes 2011: 12: 372–80.
PMID: 21615652
Altered Serum Selenium and Uric Acid Levels and Dyslipidemia in Hemodialysis Patients Could be Associated with Enhanced Cardiovascular Risk.
Autores: Martí del Moral L, Agil A, Navarro-Alarcón MN, López-Ga de la Serrana H, Palomares-Bayo M, Oliveras-López MJ.
Referencia: Biol Trace Elem Res. 2011, 144(1-3):496-503
PMID: 21789541
Intra-amygdala ZIP injections impair the memory of learned active avoidance responses and attenuate conditioned tasteaversion acquisition in rats.
Autores: Gámiz, F. and Gallo, M.
Referencia: Learning and Memory, 2011;18(8):529-33.
PMID: 21784922
Taste learning and memory: a window on the study of brain aging.
Autores: Gámiz, F. and Gallo, M.
Referencia: Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 2011;5:91-6.
PMID: 22073032
Combined Goal Management Training and Mindfulness meditation improve executive functions and decision-making performance in abstinent polysubstance abusers.
Autores: Alfonso JP, Caracuel A, Delgado-Pastor LC, Verdejo-García A.
Referencia: Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2011;117(1):78-8
PMID: 21277705
Spanish, French, and British cross-cultural validation of the European brain injury questionnaire.
Autores: Caracuel A, Bateman A, Teasdale TW, Verdejo-García A, Pérez-García M.
Referencia: J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2011;26(6):478-88.
PMID: 21169861
Effects of tap water iontophoresis and psychological techniques on psychosocial aspects of primary palmar hyperhidrosis.
Autores: Aguilar-Ferrándiz M.E., Moreno-Lorenzo C., Matarán-Peñarrocha G.A., Castro-Sánchez A.M., Peralta-Ramírez M.I., Ruiz-Villaverde R.
Referencia: Eur J Dermatol, 2011;21(2):256-8
PMID: 21398202
Can Constructive Thinking Predict Decision Making?
Autores: Santos‐Ruiz, A.M. Fernández‐Serrano, M.J. Robles‐Ortega, H, Pérez‐García, M, Navarrete‐Navarrete, N y Peralta‐Ramírez, M.I.
Referencia: Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, In press
The development of the Quality Indicator for Rehabilitative Care (QuIRC): a measure of best practice for facilities for people with longer term mental health problems.
Autores: Killaspy H. White S, Wright C, Taylor TL, Turton P, Schutzwohl M, Schuster M, Cervilla JA, Brangier P, Raboch J, Kalisova L, Onchev G, Alexiev S, Mezzina R, Ridente P, Wiersma D, Visser E, Kiejna A, Adamowski T, Ploumpidis D, Goniakis F, Caldas-de-almeida J, Cardoso G, King MB
Referencia: BMC psychiatry. 2011; 11:35.
PMID: 21362167
Pain as a symptom of depression: prevalence and clinical correlates in patients attending psychiatric clinics
Autores: Agüera-Ortiz L, Failde I, Mico JA, Cervilla J, López-Ibor JJ.
Referencia: J Affect Disord. 2011;130(1-2):106-12
PMID: 21055826
Consensus of the SEPG on depression in the elderly.
Autores: Martín Carrasco M; Agüera Ortiz L; Caballero Martínez J. Cervilla Ballesteros JA; Menchón Magrina J; Montejo González AL; Morinigo Domínguez A; Caballero Martínez F
Referencia: Actas Esp Psiquiatr. 2011;39(1):20-31
PMID: 21274819
Epidemiología de los trastornos de personalidad en el anciano: prevalencia asistida, comorbilidad y uso de servicios.
Autores: Cervilla Ballesteros JA; McKenney KA
Referencia: Informaciones Psiquiátricas. 2011; 204(2).:101-10
Acute psychopathology as a predictor of global functioning in patients with IICD-10 Non-affective psychosis: A prospective study in 11 European countries.
Autores: Petkari E; Salazar Montes AM; Kallert TW; Priebe S; Fiorillo A; Raboch J; Onchev G; Karastergiou A; Nawka P; Dembinskas A; Kjellin L; Torres-González F, Cervilla-Ballesteros JA
Referencia: Schizophr Res. 2011;131(1-3):105-11
PMID: 21624822
Infectious agents associated with schizophrenia: a meta-analysis
Autores: Arias I, Sorlozano A, Villegas E, Luna JD, Mckenney K, Cervilla J, Gutiérrez B, Gutiérrez J
Referencia: Schizophr Res. 2012;136(1-3):128-36
PMID: 22104141
The role of microbial agents in the etiology of schizophrenia: an infectious hypothesis for psychosis?
Autores: Gutiérrez B, Heiber G, Torres F, Cervilla J
Referencia: Clinical Inmunology Reviews,2011;7:57-63.
Polymorphic variation at the serotonin 1-A receptor gene is associated with comorbid depression and generalized anxiety
Autores: Molina E, Cervilla JA, Rivera M, Torres-González F, Bellón JA, Moreno-Kütstner B, King M, Nazareth I, Gutiérrez B
Referencia: Psychiatr Genet. 2011;21(4):195-201.
PMID: 21512427
Predicting the onset of major depression in primary care: International validation of a risk prediction algorithm from Spain
Autores: Bellón JA, Luna JD, King M, Moreno-Kütsner B, Nazareth I, Montón-Franco C, Gildegómez-Barragán MJ, Sánchez-Celaya M, Díaz Barreiros MA, Vicens C, Cervilla JA, ŠVAB I, Maaroos HI, Xavier M, Geerlings MI, Saldivia S, Gutiérrez B, Motrico E, Martínez Cañavate MT, Oliván-Blazquez B, Sánchez Artiaga MS, March S, Muñoz-García M, Vázquez Medrano A, Moreno-Peral P, Torres-González F
Referencia: Psychol Med. 2011;41(10):2075-88
PMID: 21466749
Farmacogenética en Psiquiatría: la necesidad de demostrar sus beneficios. (Editorial)
Autores: Arranz MJ, Gutiérrez B.
Referencia: Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental, 2011;4:117-8.
Trazodone plus pregabalin combination in the treatment of fibromyalgia: a two-phase, 24-week, open-label uncontrolled study
Autores: Calandre EP, Morillas-Arques P, Molina-Barea R, Rodriguez-Lopez CM, Rico-Villademoros F.
Referencia: BMC Musculoskeletal Disord. 2011;12:95.
PMID: 21575194
Suicide attempts and risk of suicide in patients with fibromyalgia: a survey in Spanish patients.
Autores: Calandre EP, Vilchez JS, Molina-Barea R, Tovar MI, Garcia-Leiva JM, Hidalgo J, Rodriguez-Lopez CM, Rico-Villademoros F.
Referencia: Rheumatology (Oxford). 2011;50(10):1889-93.
PMID: 21750003
Subgrouping patients with fibromyalgia according to the results of the fibromyalgia impact questionnaire: a replication study.
Autores: Calandre EP, Garcia-Carrillo J, Garcia-Leiva JM, Rico-Villademoros F, Molina-Barea R, Rodriguez-Lopez CM.
Referencia: Rheumatol Int 2010; 31:1555-1559.
PMID: 20490804
The effectiveness of levetiracetam in the treatment of neuropathic pain
Autores: Del Pozo E, Pereira-Pérez E, González-Contreras LG.
Referencia: Rev Neurol. 2011;53(2):65-72.
PMID: 21720975
Utilization of Antidepressants in Almeria Health District.
Autores: González López C, Rodríguez CM, Del Pozo E.
Referencia: Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2011;109: 64-65.
Mineral-bone metabolism markers in young hemodialysis patients.
Autores: Osorio A, Ortega E, Torres JM, Sanchez P, Ruiz-Requena E.
Referencia: Clin Biochem. 2011;44(17-18):1425-8.
PMID: 21933667
Lipid profiles and oxidative stress parameters in male and female hemodialysis patients
Autores: Osorio A, Ortega E, de Haro T, Torres JM, Sánchez P, Ruiz-Requena E.
Referencia: Mol Cell Biochem. 2011;353(1-2):59-63
PMID: 21547454
Goat milk during iron repletion improves bone turnover impaired by severe iron deficiency.
Autores: Diaz-Castro J, Ramirez Lopez-Frias M, Campos MS, Lopez-Frias M, Alvarez MJM, Nestares T, Ortega E, Lopez-Aliaga I
Referencia: J.Dairy Sci 2011;94,2752-61.
Confounding by indication of a specific antipsychotic and the increase of body mass index among children and adolescents
Autores: Martínez-Ortega JM, Díaz-Atienza F, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Jurado D, Gurpegui M
Referencia: Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2011;20(11-12):597-8
PMID: 21927910.
Winter birth excess in schizophrenia and in non-schizophrenic psychosis: sex and birth-cohort differences
Autores: Martínez-Ortega JM, Carretero MD, Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Díaz-Atienza F, Jurado D, Gurpegui M.
Referencia: Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2011;15;35(7):1780-4.
PMID: 21782876
Environmental stress but not subjective distress in children or adolescents with alopecia areata.
Autores: Díaz-Atienza F, Gurpegui M.
Referencia: J Psychosom Res. 2011;71(2):102-7.
PMID: 21767691
Normative and reliability study of fototest.
Autores: Carnero-Pardo C, Sáez-Zea C, Montiel-Navarro L, Feria-Vilar I, Gurpegui M.
Referencia: Neurologia. 2011;26(1):20-5.
PMID: 21335243
Factors associated with work, social life and family life disability in bipolar disorder patients.
Autores: Gutiérrez-Rojas L, Jurado D, Gurpegui M.
Referencia: Psychiatry Res.2011;186(2-3):254-60.
PMID: 20647154
Personality traits and adherence to physical activity in patients attending a primary health centre.
Autores: Burgos-Garrido E, Gurpegui M, Jurado D
Referencia: Int J Clin Health Psychol 2011; 11(3): 539-47.
Paying attention to pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic mechanisms to progress in the area of anticholinergic use in geriatric patients.
Autores: de Leon J.
Referencia: Current Drug Metabolism 2011;12: 635-646
PMID: 21495973
Highlights of drug package inserts and the website DailyMed: the need for further improvement in package inserts to help busy prescribers (editorial).
Autores: de Leon J
Referencia: J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2011;31(3):263-5.
PMID: 21508855
Diagnosing Adult Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Patients with Cocaine Dependence: Discriminant Validity of Barkley Executive Dysfunction Symptoms.
Autores: Vergara-Moragues E, González-Saiz F, Lozano Rojas O, Bilbao Acedos I, Fernández Calderón F, Betanzos Espinosa P, Verdejo García A, Pérez García M.
Referencia: Eur Addict Res. 2011;17(6):279-84.
PMID: 21912132
Impulsivity and cognitive distortions in pathological gamblers attending the UK National Problem Gambling Clinic: a preliminary report.
Autores: Michalczuk R, Bowden-Jones H, Verdejo-Garcia A, Clark L.
Referencia: Psychol Med. 2011;29:1-11.
PMID: 21733207
Basic addictive beliefs and craving.
Autores: Martínez González JM, Verdejo García A.
Referencia: Adicciones. 2011;23(1):45-52. Spanish.
PMID: 21503563
Negative mood induction normalizes decision making in male cocaine dependent individuals
Autores: Fernández-Serrano MJ, Moreno-López L, Pérez-García M, Viedma-Del Jesús MI, Sánchez-Barrera MB, Verdejo-García A.
Referencia: Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2011;217(3):331-9.
PMID: 21484236
Combined Goal Management Training and Mindfulness meditation improve executive functions and decision-making performance in abstinent polysubstance abusers.
Autores: Alfonso JP, Caracuel A, Delgado-Pastor LC, Verdejo-García A.
Referencia: Drug Alcohol Depend. 2011;117(1):78-81.
PMID: 21277705
Spanish, French, and british cross-cultural validation of the European brain injury questionnaire.
Autores: Caracuel A, Bateman A, Teasdale TW, Verdejo-García A, Pérez-García M.
Referencia: J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2011;26(6):478-88.
PMID: 21169861
What are the specific vs. generalized effects of drugs of abuse on neuropsychological performance?
Autores: Fernández-Serrano MJ, Pérez-García M, Verdejo-García A.
Referencia: Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2011;35(3):377-406.
PMID: 20451551
Oxidative Stress and Aminopeptidases in Parkinson's Disease Patients with and without Treatment.
Autores: Durán R, Barrero FJ, Morales B, Luna JD, Ramirez M, Vives F.
Referencia: Neurodegener Dis, 2011; 8:109-116
PMID: 20714110
The Profile of Fatty Acids in Frontal Cortex of Rats Depends on the Type of Fat Used in the Diet and Correlates with Neuropeptidase Activities.
Autores: Segarra AB, Ruiz-Sanz JI, Ruiz-Larrea MB, Ramírez-Sánchez M, de Gasparo M, Banegas I, Martínez-Cañamero M, Vives F, Prieto I
Referencia: Horm Metab Res, 2011; 43:86-91.
PMID: 21120792
Blood pressure increased dramatically in hypertensive rats after left hemisphere lesions with 6-hydroxydopamine.
Autores: Banegas I, Prieto I, Segarra AB, Durán R, Vives F, Alba F, Luna JD, de Gasparo M, Wangensteen R, Ruiz-Bailén M, Ramírez-Sánchez M.
Referencia: Neurosci Lett. 2011;500(2):148-50,
PMID: 21722707
Differential gene expression between inbred Roman high- (RHA-I) and low- (RLA-I) avoidance rats
Autores: Sabariego M, Gómez MJ, Morón I, Torres C, Fernández-Teruel A, Tobeña A, Cañete T, Martínez-Conejero JA, Horcajadas JA, Esteban FJ.
Referencia: Neurosci Lett. 2011;504(3):265-70
PMID: 21967962
Symptom Validity Testing and its underlying psychophisiological response pattern: A preliminary study
Autores: Vilar López, R., Pérez-García, M., Sánchez-Barrera, M.B., Rodríguez-Ferández, A., & Gómez-Río, M.
Referencia: Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2011;26:133-43
PMID: 21169274
The passive transfer of immunoglobulin G serum antibodies from patients with longstanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.
Autores: Goebel A, Leite MI, Yang L, Deacon R, Cendan CM, Fox-Lewis A, Vincent A.
Referencia: Eur J Pain. 2011;15(5):504.e1-6.
PMID: 21075025
Effect of acetaminophen, ibuprofen and methylprednisolone on different parameters of human osteoblasts like cells.
Autores: García-Martínez O, Díaz-Rodríguez, L; Rodríguez-Pérez L, De Luna Bertos E, Reyes-Botella C, Ruiz C.
Referencia: Arch Oral Biol. 2011; 56:317-23
PMID: 21112046
Neuropsychology in delusional disorder and its relationship with symptoms and psychosocial functionality
Autores: de Portugal E, Martínez-Zaldívar C; González, N; del Amo V; Haro JM; Cervilla, JA.
Referencia: Psychological Medicine 0033-2917