Plasma lipid peroxidation in sporadic Parkinson's disease. Role of the L-dopa.
Autores: Agil A, Durán R, Barrero F, Morales B, Araúzo M, Alba F, Miranda MT, Prieto I, Ramírez M, Vives F.
Referencia: J Neurol Sci. 2006 Jan 15;240(1-2):31-6
PMID: 16219327
[The shaken baby syndrome]
Autores: Aguilar Serrano A, Reyes Morillas M, Ráez Liébanas A, Ruiz Rodríguez C.
Referencia: Rev Enferm. 2006 Nov;29(11):6-10.
PMID: 17201333
[Neuropsychological intervention in patients with epilepsy]
Autores: Arnedo M, Espinosa M, Ruiz R, Sánchez-Alvarez JC.
Referencia: Rev Neurol. 2006 Oct 10;43 Suppl 1:S83-8.
PMID: 17061201
Changes in intracellular electrolyte concentrations during apoptosis induced by UV irradiation of human myeloblastic cells.
Autores: Arrebola F, Fernández-Segura E, Campos A, Crespo PV, Skepper JN, Warley A.
Referencia: Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2006 Feb;290(2):C638-49
PMID: 16162654
Plasma aminopeptidase activities in Parkinson's disease
Autores: Banegas I, Barrero F, Durán R, Morales B, Luna JD, Prieto I, Ramírez M, Alba F, Vives F
Referencia: Horm Metab Res. 2006 Nov;38(11):758-60.
PMID: 17111304
Brain aminopeptidases and hypertension
Autores: Banegas I, Prieto I, Vives F, Alba F, de Gasparo M, Segarra AB, Hermoso F, Durán R, Ramírez M.
Referencia: J Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Syst. 2006 Sep;7(3):129-34. Review
PMID: 17094048
Evaluation of the Spanish version of the Memory Impairment Screen
Autores: Barrero-Hernández FJ, Vives-Montero F, Morales-Gordo B.
Referencia: Rev Neurol. 2006 Jul 1-15;43(1):15-9. Spanish.
PMID: 16807867
Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the screening scale for DSM-IV Generalized Anxiety Disorder of Carroll and Davidson.
Autores: Bobes J, García-Calvo C, Prieto R, García-García M, Rico-Villademoros F; Grupo Español de Trabajo para la validación de la versión española de la Escala de Detección del Trastorno de Ansiedad Generalizada según DSM-IV(Escala de TAG de Carrol y Davidson).
Referencia: Actas Esp Psiquiatr. 2006 Mar-Apr;34(2):83-93.
PMID: 16552636
Glycosylation is altered by ethanol in rat hippocampal cultured neurons.
Autores: Braza-Boïls A, Tomás M, Marín MP, Megías L, Sancho-Tello M, Fornas E, Renau-Piqueras J.
Referencia: Alcohol Alcohol. 2006 Sep-Oct;41(5):494-504
PMID: 16751217
Trigger point evaluation in migraine patients: an indication of peripheral sensitization linked to migraine predisposition?
Autores: Calandre EP, Hidalgo J, García-Leiva JM, Rico-Villademoros F.
Referencia: Eur J Neurol. 2006 Mar;13(3):244-9.
PMID: 16618340
Efectos de la inducción emocional en el Aprendizaje Causal
Autores: Cándido A, Perales JC, Catena A,Maldonado A, Guadarrama L, Beltrán R, Contreras D y Herrera A
Referencia: Psicológica 2006, 27: 243-267
Diagnostic accuracy of the Eurotest for dementia: a naturalistic, multicenter phase II study.
Autores: Carnero-Pardo C, Gurpegui M, Sanchez-Cantalejo E, Frank A, Mola S, Barquero MS, Montoro-Rios MT; Trans-EUROTEST Group.
Referencia: BMC Neurol. 2006 Apr 10;6:15.
PMID: 16606455
The 5-HTTLPR s/s genotype at the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) increases the risk for depression in a large cohort of primary care attendees: the PREDICT-gene study.
Autores: Cervilla JA, Rivera M, Molina E, Torres-González F, Bellón JA, Moreno B, de Dios Luna J, Lorente JA, de Diego-Otero Y, King M, Nazareth I, Gutiérrez B; PREDICT Study Core Group.
Referencia: Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2006 Dec 5;141B(8):912-7
PMID: 17063469
Differences in the allosteric modulation by phenytoin of the binding properties of the sigma1 ligands [3H](+)-pentazocine and [3H]NE-100.
Autores: Cobos EJ, Lucena G, Baeyens JM, Del Pozo E.
Referencia: Synapse. 2006 Mar 1;59(3):152-61.
PMID: 16342057
Assessing the sexual functioning of chronic inpatients at a psychosocial rehabilitation unit
Autores: Crespo Iglesias JM, Prado Robles V, Pérez García M
Referencia: Actas Esp Psiquiatr. 2006 Jan-Feb;34(1):41-7
Does smoking reduce akathisia? Testing a narrow version of the self-medication hypothesis.
Autores: de Leon J, Diaz FJ, Aguilar MC, Jurado D, Gurpegui M.
Referencia: Schizophr Res. 2006 Sep;86(1-3):256-68
PMID: 16814524
Second-Order Conditioning of Human Causal Learning
Autores: Elvia, J., Vila, J., Maldonado, A.
Referencia: Learning and Motivation 2006, 37: 230-245
Reliability and validity of the pain threshold measurement with the dolorimetro electrónico portátil (portable electronic dolorimeter) in healthy individuals and patients with musculoskeletal pain
Autores: García Fernández E; Godoy García JF; Jiménez Alonso J; Godoy Izquierdo D; Pérez García M; López-Chicheri García I
Referencia: Pain clinic, 377-386 (2006)
Fewer but heavier caffeine consumers in schizophrenia: a case-control study.
Autores: Gurpegui M, Aguilar MC, Martínez-Ortega JM, Jurado D, Diaz FJ, Quintana HM, de Leon J.
Referencia: Schizophr Res. 2006 Sep;86(1-3):276-83.
PMID: 16784837
[Effect of soybeans and soy sauce on vasomotor symptoms during menopause]
Autores: Gutiérrez Martínez Mdel M, Riquelme Raya R, Campos Martínez AM, Lorite Garzón C, Strivens Vilchez H, Ruiz Rodríguez C.
Referencia: Rev Enferm. 2006 Jun;29(6):16-22.
PMID: 16875362
Evolution of cerebral cortex involvement in the acquisition of associative learning
Autores: Jiménez-Díaz L, Sancho-Bielsa F, Gruart A, López-García C, Delgado-García JM
Referencia: Behavioral Neuroscience 2006, 120(5):1043-56
PMID: 17014256
Quality of life in intracranial aneurysm: surgery versus endovascular treatment
Autores: Katati MJ, Santiago-Ramajo S, Saura E, Jorques A, Pérez-García M, Martín-Linares JM, Mínguez-Castellano A, Escamilla-Sevilla F, Arjona V.
Referencia: Neurocirugia (Astur). 2006 Aug;17(4):325-32.
The effect of docosahexaenoic acid and folic acid supplementation on placental apoptosis and proliferation.
Autores: Klingler M, Blaschitz A, Campoy C, Caño A, Molloy AM, Scott JM, Dohr G, Demmelmair H, Koletzko B, Desoye G.
Referencia: Br J Nutr. 2006 Jul;96(1):182-90.
PMID: 16870008
Association between levels of Toll-like receptors 2 and 4 and CD14 mRNA and allergy in pregnant women and their offspring.
Autores: Krauss-Etschmann S, Hartl D, Heinrich J, Thaqi A, Prell C, Campoy C, Molina FS, Hector A, Decsi T, Schendel DJ, Koletzko BV.
Referencia: Clin Immunol. 2006 Feb-Mar;118(2-3):292-9.
PMID: 16290232
Docosahexaenoic acid supply in pregnancy affects placental expression of fatty acid transport proteins.
Autores: Larqué E, Krauss-Etschmann S, Campoy C, Hartl D, Linde J, Klingler M, Demmelmair H, Caño A, Gil A, Bondy B, Koletzko B.
Referencia: Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 Oct;84(4):853-61
PMID: 17023713
Variables del comportamiento en la anorexia infantil: propuesta de una escala de valoración
Autores: Laynez Rubio C; Maldonado Lozano J; Cruz Quintana F; Luna del Castillo JD; Pérez García M; Fajardo Pérez L; Sánchez A, Marenco J
Referencia: Pediatrika, 9-18 (2006)
Validity of self-efficacy scale scores for a Spanish sample.
Autores: López-Torrecillas F, García J, Cañadas GA, Uclés IR, De La Fuente EI.
Referencia: Psychol Rep. 2006 Apr;98(2):437-50.
PMID: 16796100
Diacepam attenuates Successive positive contrast in one way avoidance learning
Autores: Maldonado, A., Candido, A., Morales, A & MTorres, C
Referencia: Internacional Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy 2006, 8: 249-260
Nicotine dependence, use of illegal drugs and psychiatric morbidity.
Autores: Martínez-Ortega JM, Jurado D, Martínez-González MA, Gurpegui M.
Referencia: Addict Behav. 2006 Sep;31(9):1722-9.
PMID: 16457964
Neuropsychological impairment in patients with intracranial aneurysms: surgical versus endovascular treatment
Autores: Orozco-Giménez C, Katati MJ, Vilar R, Meersmans M, Pérez-García M, Martín JM, Alcázar P, Guerrero F, Escamilla F, Mínguez A, Olivares G, Saura E, Jorques A, Arjona V.
Referencia: Neurocirugia (Astur). 2006 Feb;17(1):34-44; discussion 45
Stress as a predictor of cognitive functioning in lupus.
Autores: Peralta-Ramírez MI, Coín-Mejías MA, Jiménez-Alonso J, Ortego-Centeno N, Callejas-Rubio JL, Caracuel-Romero A, Pérez-García M.
Referencia: Lupus. 2006;15(12):858-64.
PMID: 17211991
Modulation of antigenic phenotype in cultured human osteoblasts-like cells by FGFb, TGF946;1, PDGF-BB, IL-2, IL-1 LPS and IFN
Autores: Pérez, E.; García-Martínez O.; Arroyo-Morales M.; Reyes-Botella, C.; Ruiz, C
Referencia: Bioscience Reports 26: 281-289
Increased susceptibility to plasma lipid peroxidation in untrained subjects after an extreme mountain bike challenge at moderate altitude.
Autores: Ruiz JR, Ortega FB, Castillo MJ, Gutierrez A, Agil A.
Referencia: Int J Sports Med. 2006 Jul;27(7):587-9.
PMID: 16802256
Influence of dietary source of docosahexaenoic and arachidonic acids on their incorporation into membrane phospholipids of red blood cells in term infants.
Autores: Sala-Vila A, Campoy C, Castellote AI, Garrido FJ, Rivero M, Rodríguez-Palmero M, López-Sabater MC.
Referencia: Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2006 Feb;74(2):143-8
PMID: 16326086
Effects of testosterone on brain mRNA levels of steroid 5alpha-reductase isozymes in early postnatal life of rat.
Autores: Sánchez P, Torres JM, Del Moral RG, Ortega E.
Referencia: Neurochem Int. 2006 Nov;49(6):626-30.
PMID: 16828201
[Experience in medical practice]
Autores: Sanchez-Alvarez JC.
Referencia: Rev Neurol. 2006 Jul 16-31;43(2):126-7; author reply 127-8.
PMID: 16838263
Influence of thyroid disorders on kidney angiotensinase activity.
Autores: Segarra AB, Ramírez M, Banegas I, Hermoso F, Vargas F, Vives F, Alba F, de Gasparo M, Prieto I.
Referencia: Horm Metab Res. 2006 Jan;38(1):48-52.
PMID: 16477541
Atrial angiotensinase activity in hypothyroid, euthyroid, and hyperthyroid rats.
Autores: Segarra AB, Wangensteen R, Ramírez M, Banegas I, Hermoso F, Vargas F, Vives F, Durán R, Alba F, de Gasparo M, Prieto I
Referencia: J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2006 Sep;48(3):117-20.
PMID: 17031265
Effect of docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid supplementation on oxidative stress levels during pregnancy.
Autores: Shoji H, Franke C, Campoy C, Rivero M, Demmelmair H, Koletzko B.
Referencia: Free Radic Res. 2006 Apr;40(4):379-84
PMID: 16517502
Steroid 5alpha-reductase isozymes in the adult female rat brain: central role of dihydrotestosterone
Autores: Torres JM, Ortega E.
Referencia: J Mol Endocrinol. 2006 Apr;36(2):239-45.
PMID: 16595696
Executive dysfunction in substance dependent individuals during drug use and abstinence: an examination of the behavioral, cognitive and emotional correlates of addiction.
Autores: Verdejo-García A, Bechara A, Recknor EC, Pérez-García M.
Referencia: J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2006 May;12(3):405-15.
Differential impact of severity of drug use on frontal behavioral symptoms.
Autores: Verdejo-García A, Rivas-Pérez C, López-Torrecillas F, Pérez-García M.
Referencia: Addict Behav. 2006 Aug;31(8):1373-82
PMID: 16326022
Altered adaptive but not veridical decision-making in substance dependent individuals.
Autores: Verdejo-García, A.; Vilar-López, R.; Pérez-García, M.; Podell, K.; & Goldberg, E.
Referencia: J IntNeuropsychological Society, 12, 90-99. (2006)
PMID: 16433948
Decision-making and the Iowa gambling task: ecological validity in individuals with substance dependence
Autores: Verdejo-García, A.; Bechara, A.; Recknor, E.C.; & Pérez-García, M.
Referencia: Psychologica Belgica: Special Issue On Experimental Psychopathology, 46, 55-78. (2006)
Emotion, decision-making and substance dependence: a somatic-marker model of addiction.
Autores: Verdejo-García A, Pérez-García M, Bechara A.
Referencia: Curr Neuropharmacol. 2006 Jan;4(1):17-31
Neurocognitive performance and negative symptoms: are they equal in explaining disability in schizophrenia outpatients?
Autores: Villalta-Gil V, Vilaplana M, Ochoa S, Haro JM, Dolz M, Usall J, Cervilla J; NEDENA Group.
Referencia: Schizophr Res. 2006 Oct;87(1-3):246-53.
PMID: 16859898